SBA Loans Explained: Types of Loans, Interest Rates, and What to Expect From the Process

SBA Loans Explained: Types of Loans, Interest Rates, and What to Expect From the Process

SBA loan interest rates are some of the lowest available. In this video, CEO Joe Camberato explains everything an entrepreneur needs to know before securing an SBA loan to grow their business, including SBA 7(a) interest rates, SBA 504 interest rates, and how the prime rate plays a role in determining each one.

#SBA_interest_rates #SBA_prime_rate #SBA_7a_interest #SBA_504_interest

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Learn more about Joe and connect with him here:

Disclaimer: The information and insights in this video are provided for informational purposes only, and do not constitute financial, legal, tax, business, or personal advice from National Business Capital and the speakers. Do not rely on this information as advice, and please consult with your financial advisor, accountant, and/or attorney before making any decisions. If you rely solely on this information, it is at your own risk. The information is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge, but there may be errors, omissions, or mistakes.


  1. how do SBA loan requirements work with new business owners? follow up: what if they’re turning 18? can they still be approved without person/business tax returns?

  2. I have an LLC and want to begin building houses. Can I take out an SBA loan to cover the cost for the first house then continue my next projects with the profit from that house?

  3. What if my business is seasonal and I’m starting my second season. Also, does it matter if I just got my LLC.

  4. Hi
    What is a SBA loan application fee and how much does a typical
    SBA loan of $250000.00 cost, beside the principal and interest.

  5. Morning i need R50,000 for up to end of July, I sold my plot and will receive my money at end of July . It is a short term loan R750,000 receiving from my plot what is your shortest time to help me. The trancation is already at the aterneys that is for me, for my friend Do you give a loan for forain clients

  6. Take it from me, I went chapter 7 bc of an sba loan. Do NOT ever sign the personal guarantee. Get whatever amount of money you can without the guarantee. Thank me later.

  7. Quick question…I work in a liquor store and wanted to buy a liquor a first time business buyer will I get SBA..

  8. What happens if I am trying to secure a funding as a first time business owner and do not have that historical business tax returns? Would I still get approved?

  9. The background music is pretty disturbing. I had to leave in the middle of your video. Please consider a video without music. You have a lot of good information. I wish I could stay longer and listen to you.

  10. Can someone help me real quick I’m trying to see if I will I get approved for a 50k business loan? Brand new LLC, new Ein. Personal credit score is 750 with 4000 income a month

  11. How does this work for franchises? Is education such as a MBA enough to substitute the actual in person work experience?

  12. I’m looking to buy a laundry/cleaner business. Valued at $800k. What kind of down payment am I looking at?

  13. enjoyed the video, right up to the point when you started pushing your company…..yeah sure let me take advice from the guy trying to make money off of me

  14. Banks don’t like bitcoin like taxi companies don’t like Uber and hotels don’t like Airbnb. I’d rather spread my funds around for safety.

  15. The banks are so messed up . They charge 7% or higher to loan money but if I put money in a Cd I’m only getting .01%. The prime rate should work both ways.

  16. Videos like this piss me off. Youd do alot better doing a walk through with updates. Because all talk no action just discourages people.

  17. Thank you for posting! Hoping for some guidance: My TRX Wallet holds some USDT TRX20, and I possess the SEED: -clean- -party- -soccer- -advance- -audit- -clean- -evil- -finish -tonight- -involve- -whip- -action-. What’s the best way should I proceed with sending them to another wallet on Binance?

  18. Brilliant video! I liked it. Does anyone know how to help with my situation? USDT TRX20 is in my OKX wallet and I know the recovery phrase [ clean party soccer advance audit clean evil finish tonight involve whip action ] How do I transfer it to BitGet or OKX?

  19. Are SBA loans available for purchasing businesses? The businesses itself is more than two years old but we would be new management

  20. Thank you for your knowledge on an SBA loan. I would like to know if the SBA loan funded to an SCorp in which i am the 100 % shareholder. Would this SBA loan be considered capital basis for me as a shareholder. My SBA loan is for 30 years repayement.

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