How To ACTUALLY Start A Trucking Business In 2024

How To ACTUALLY Start A Trucking Business In 2024

This is a NO BS guide on how to start a trucking company (step-by-step). Enjoy!

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  1. My guy been in the business for 13 years your dead on I’m like and subscribe you got it hands down salute ๐Ÿซก ๐Ÿ’ฏ

  2. This year I’m gonna start successful trucking channel so I’m gonna take notes, learn the jargon snd create constant road to success content.

  3. So yes but it depends on the state you live in cause say for example you can have a Car Moves Logistics LLC and its in CA but there isn’t on in MI, then you can use it in MI no issue

  4. correct, use ai to learn anything
    the classes and courses is the business that is gona get replaced first. AI is the free expert you need for anything. literally everything anyone can tell you about anything AI knows and will put it in any step by step format you want. every single thing he said in this video ai would answer for you, give you the contact info sites everything. In one second. Not bursting your bubble bud I liked your video last night but one question to chat gpt gave me all the info you did plus more.

  5. This is a very general overview of how to start a trucking company. Most of these topics need to be unpacked at length. But hey it’s free and it’s a good starting point for anyone that doesn’t know anything about the industry.

  6. You are awesome if this I knew 30 years ago I would be in business today with high inflation is very hard to get company customers loads today alot carriers selling thier business just to survive.

  7. Starting with name of the business the dumbest way to start trucking. Trucking required to understand how you will manage with such huge liability and such little profit merging. If you start trucking with thinking about your name and domain name you will be broke as hell. My advice do not get into trucking because it is rate race track!!

  8. this is such a bullshit video. watching this video from trucking company owner standpoint gives me so much funny emotions lol

  9. Industry is as strong as its employees. Truckers, however, are some of the dumbest and ignorant people alive. Whose fault is it? – not for stupid people but, for stupid people in the industry – government. How can one expect to have smart people in an industry when immigrants, who cannot speak English, pass a test in English. Also, no math nor English proficiency is checked. So, of course there are a lot of stupid and ignorant people in the industry. This bunch, mostly, is so stupid – they are the only employees who agree to waste 75+ % of own life on the road, do not expect their employees to put them in at least 3 star, or any star, hotel, or even Proper payment for services rendered. They have no retirement, do not even come close to earning $150k a year, for all of this time being spent working. One word? – stupid. Also industry is so desperate for more stupid and younger employees, they are going to high schools and trying to recruit straight from school.

  10. How crude is it to promote trucking when the industry is suffering from the last time these promos appeared. Truckers are leaving because of over supply and over priced trucks, especially class eight tractor units. Look at the cause and realities not the emotions. If you overpay to join at the bottom of the market you deserve what you get. Fall into the clutches of brokers. Suffer or think.

  11. Finding direct shipper loads is the key to retained earnings. In 1 year, I found 3 large direct shippers, with millions in annual shipments. Businesses that are inelastic to inflation, or consumer spending. So it is possible.

    The caveat.
    The broker mentality is not condusive to building long lasting direct shipper relationships. Turn down a load, or show up late, and thats the end. Few trucking businesses are financed in a way that makes turning away a primo broker load possible.

  12. Hi fans, the truck is available right now. If youโ€™re interested in getting your own, please contact me privately for more details. And it goes in a nice rate…. For sale and for rent…..

  13. Great effort in sharing insights, but it feels more like advice on how to create a self-employed job rather than a true business. A real business should have systems in place that allow it to run and generate income even when you’re not there. It’s about building a scalable and sustainable model, not just doing everything yourself. Delegation, automation, and strategic planning are key if you want to build something that can grow beyond just your personal effort.

  14. I am a software engineer and would like to start a trucking business with a one fleet. I understood the process to start you explained.

    How to hire driver for just one fleet initially? How to find regular loads?

  15. I’m going to make two points here one. You did not mention about California. California has a spacific requirement that you get their. C.A number, which is basically their M.C. Number. California requires individuals that either have. a terminal or home base in California or come through or go through have a CA number which is the equivalent of an MC. Now.

  16. Just wanted to throw a tip, to anyone thinking about starting a trucking business PLEASE get some experience under your belt. Iโ€™m 2 years in, and I canโ€™t tell you how many fresh of CDL School people I see already talking about starting a company or becoming owner OP. Yes itโ€™s great to have dreams, but donโ€™t think you can just hop into any industry (Not just trucking) and become a successful business owner. You need to know the back end of trucking, a lot of people think truck driving is just sitting behind a wheel and driving miles but thereโ€™s a lot more that goes into play, a couple of examples is your fuel mileage, knowing which loads to take to save on fuel, knowing a lot of good spots to fuel at with cheap fuel (2024 it will be hard to find them, but itโ€™s better then going to major truck stops and spending a fortune on fuel), knowing what to do if your truck breaks down, knowing what to do and how to still make money for the downtime you will face (either waiting at shippers, receivers, or breakdowns). Knowing the right brokers to talk to and building a good relationship with your customers. All Iโ€™m saying is please get some knowledge before hoping in, at least 5 years max of driving with a company before deciding to move into your own authority. Be safe out there everyone keep the rubber side down.

  17. Hi first of all thank you so much for the the information that you are sharing really appreciate it! Question after purchasing a truck how can you travel with the truck to your home state without irp plates due to IRP AND IFTA being processed after purchasing the truck or traveling to a company that will provide the irp plates and ifta, thanks in advance!

  18. IRP plates? Maintain roads? BS!!
    Our roads are garbage! Disgusting. Wheel covers, tires, suspension, dashboard, ride quality, dangerous conditions, dodging craters!! Flat out garbage deplorable road conditions. And we pay extra for this?! A literal shame on America.

  19. Bro I just watched a video of you saying we will be replaced by automated trucks . Now in this video you saying start a trucking company ๐Ÿ˜•

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