How I Find Direct Shipper Loads | Step-By-Step Guide

How I Find Direct Shipper Loads | Step-By-Step Guide

These are things that took me years to learn that I now use to book direct shipper loads. Enjoy!

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  1. I’m not a trucker or in this business, I just happened across one of your videos and interested to watch. You’re very good, young guy, great businessman. I was impressed with your honesty and hard work. Hope you go far, good luck to you.

  2. I am an incredibly shitty salesman. Would it make more sense for me to hire someone who I know is a very good salesman to attempt closing these deals for me? Or would I have a greater chance of success if it’s me talking to the shipping managers directly since I’m the owner of the company?

  3. Brokers double and triple book loads all the time, what you talking about. 1st and last information needed, slip someone $1000. Every now and again

  4. I just went through the interview process with TQL and they didn’t hire me. So I’m going for the other team lol

  5. So why noone strikes ??? When Trump was in white house all drivers were making money and yet they also strike.. why not now ??? 😂😂😂

  6. Promising false hopes. In transportation nothing is guaranteed. Especially on time delivery. Traffic and weather conditions will play a role and will effect your performance

  7. Bro, how’s trucking going for you lately in 2024 ? Is there a dedicated customer in the state ? Do you think it’s a great idea to buy a truck now !

  8. Hey I have a genuine question for all the truck drivers.

    Out of 10 deliveries how many times do you come home with an empty trailer ?

  9. Your videos are honest and to the point man..
    I always question how truckers or trucking company makes money. Im only paying $3 a box of vegetables to ship at the trucking company.

  10. I obtained my first customer by offering something everyone else won’t.

    "Your load delivered SAFELY and ON-TIME or its delivered FREE"

    The owner later told me that he wanted to see if i was telling the truth, that was 10 years ago.
    We still pull their loads.

  11. Thank you for everything you do. Spreading the knowledge so that you can spread the wealth 🙌 this is extremely useful for us guys who are just getting in or trying to expand

  12. Im confused… it started with how a 1 truck company got a direct shipper contract and not even half way through the video, it turned into a small trucking company with multiple drivers… Is this even a true story or just hear-say "it sounds good on paper" clickbait type of thing?

  13. Bye bye, you talk too much without going straight to the points, some of us don’t have days to spend on your videos

  14. This is honestly the most eye opening video for any trucking company, big or small. Very valuable information and extremely motivating. The opportunities are out there! Keep stacking that bread and giving tips so that we can do the same. Thank you.

  15. This dude isn’t an actual trucker .. he’s just reading a script for YouTube views … It should be illegal to be so Dishonest on the Internet, it’s all you See nowadays

  16. You may be right on 90% of what you’re saying but there’s a fundamental disagreement I have with you. Everything is up as you said so are freight rates, they don’t even compare with a spot market brokers are not taking 30% off their taking what They can get away with up to 50% When the economy crushes and they lose their shirt and house I won’t shed a tear. I’ve been out here 30 yrs and reasonably business with integrity is gone 10:20 replace with greed it’s all by design when the de-regulation was imposed on the trucker. One day soon all these brokers will get what they deserve.

  17. Brokers are on their way out, with modern technology its getting far easier for Shippers to go direct with Trucks especially when they find out how much they pay the broker and how much the truck gets

  18. Absolutely fantastic and informative information!!
    This is the lifeline for truckers faces cash flow challenges!

  19. You blew my mind with the insight you provided. I feel like I can execute the agenda of selling the pitch and delivering on the promises I advise of. Thank you. You have a follow and like and share from me

  20. Back in the days O Ops was Great thing …. Today they are getting robbed all time every load payment . 20 present or more for companies 20 present or more for the brokers they are left to eat from Garbage 🗑️ cans . I swear I’ve seen it sadly . . .

  21. The first contract I negotiated was with 7-up/ Dr. Pepper ( Cadbury) at the manufacturing plant. I have 30 year in the industry. I used my relationships. I was picking up broker loads at a 3PL that I was a operations supervisor @. I talked to a fried that was the asst Ops Mgr. 2 days later I got a call from Houston from there distribution team. 20 mins after talking to the dist Manger he asked for a email to send the tentative freight agreement and carrier packet over to.

  22. So isn’t what you just said “double brokering”. Which is. Illegal? Just asking because that sounds like trouble

  23. Just have one question how do we contact direct shippers? Is there any aap or any website from where we can find out shippers?

  24. Some broker contracts state that its in place for 1 year. They dont twll you but after that year you can then book directly with shipper on that same lane. Also if still under 1yr they can charge up to 15%-25% per load which in reality 15% us what they should of being charging in the 1st place not 47% on load. It would still be a win untill it lasts, i do not recommend going this route, but it has been done by other carriers.

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