Best fuel cards for trucking company
In this video I explain what fuel cards I use for my trucking company
Best fuel cards for trucking company
In this video I explain what fuel cards I use for my trucking company
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I’ve never heard of the RTS card…is it for truckers only?
Fuel cards that help give you discounts; oh all the savings do add up 👍🏻♥️🙌🏻
That’s awesome that you’re educating the truckers on what card to use
Thank you for sharing Brother! So interesting to learn more about part of your world 👍🏻♥️🌺
I don’t consider hot shot drivers professional, they obviously flunked there CDL
Them mom and pop joints are sketchy as hell. Glad you avoid them!
Ooh interesting different cards for different places
Good gas cards have to be essential for truckers. That fuel spend is crazy!
I’ve never heard these cards before. I appreciate you sharing!
What is your favorite fuel card that you feel provides you the most benefit?
Do you have to be a trucker to get these fuel cards?
I wasn’t a fan of the Wex cards because I was told they were no PG then all of a sudden they asked for PG at the end of the application process.
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I had to get rid of RTS their fees were just crazy
Great channel a lot of support for the trucking community
You know all the Pacific North West spots! Thats so resourceful!
Did you always have fuel cards? Meaning like when you strayed driving truck?
That’s awesome. I’ve never heard of this card. Keep it up.
Amazing video as always!
Really good cards, thank you for sharing!
Hermano! Love the shades 😎