17 Year Old Starts $1.9M/Month Trucking Business… HOW?!

17 Year Old Starts $1.9M/Month Trucking Business… HOW?!

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Andrew Gomez was still in college when he started his trucking business, AJG Transport. Now, he’s grown from 2 trucks to a fleet of 80 with over $1 million a month in gross revenue. He’s sharing his tips to start a trucking company with fast growth potential in this episode.

Andrew comes from an entrepreneurial family. His brother owned his own trucking business, too, and his parents had owned their own businesses before, as well, including one in the trucking industry. Their issue was that they didn’t know how to scale the company, something Andrew set about discovering when he started AJG Transport.

Even with these knowledge resources to draw on, Andrew knew starting a trucking company wouldn’t be easy. He got himself a solid start by finding a niche market delivering for Amazon and invested all his profits back into the business to drive steady growth. The company’s big breakthrough happened when Andrew started building relationships with corporate executives to land big-ticket jobs. In this interview, he’ll share his advice for how to break into the corporate world as a small business owner and the strategy that made the difference in securing these jobs for AJG Transport.

AJG Transport has been on an upward growth trajectory since it launched, but that doesn’t mean growing the company was easy. Andrew had plenty of long days and sleepless nights on his journey to building a 7-figure a month business. He’ll share the sacrifices he made to build his business, the mistakes he’s made along the way, and how he overcame those challenges to get to where he is today.

https://bit.ly/4djOys9 – Start or Grow Your Business with UpFlip Academy

#Trucking #TruckDriver #TruckingBusiness


  1. At my 17
    I just only had dept from my parents to pay off…
    No one helps me to anything. I fight everyday to survive!
    No one give me money to start my own business

  2. A sweating time frame while on the road that can get the blood circulation going
    ….would be a getting out a" jump rope" and exercise for a few minutes…it can help fight against future diabetes.

  3. Bro at 17 is it legal anywhere to drive CDL at that age. Not only that but get a loan for 2 semi trucks. I don’t know men. He definitely had help from his parents. It’s inspiring but, nothing is adding up!

  4. What are u hauling. Drugs that would be the only way to make that money I was in trucking for 57 years an never made that much in a year the best was 128.000 for the year an then u take the fuel an all expenses an low. Driver wage but I lasted untill all these stupid new laws an Elog that’s when I gave u to much rules on the industry so good luck an in the next few years is going to get harder for the trucking industry

  5. I see videos like this, and I automatically thinks it’s a lie. Since a person has to be at least 20 years old by law to establish a logistics license. 18 to enter a legal contract in the USA.

  6. Bad ass
    Who cares about everyone discrediting him for using family members money for start up . That’s just start up , if he made it grow after that help and sustained for that many years . All power to him. I’d call it dad’s money VERY well spent . Keep kicking ass.

  7. Not going to finish this video. I’ve been watching videos showing truckers quit because they are making less than minimum wage and can’t afford to live and have a decent lifestyle. How much are his drivers earning? Is this guy making 1.9 million/mth in profits? if so, give more of those profits to the drivers please. Thanks.

  8. What a great kid! Good job!
    I started my trucking business at 24
    I followed Jim Rohn for over 7 years and absolutely love the classic guy
    Good job 👏


  10. There was no secret he had daddy money and help the end. 17 you can’t even have cdl so how did that work.

  11. I’m having a hard time getting financed with an 800 credit score and 100k in the bank on a used truck for 72k….
    I’m gonna have to buy cash….
    This is bullshit. Someone was helping this kid big time.

  12. hes explains himself very well and has the ability to run the sho and understand the business and grow it. People blaming daddy aint got the drive to make anything happen

  13. he cant even get a truck from the dealership without a CDL. plus this dude was handed money in a silver platter. this guy pretending like he funded his own company.. LOL

  14. shouldnt be mentioning age if he had a big head start, I respect it but not good looking on other people the same age.

  15. So many low vibration types in the comments missing the point entirely. They’re talking about how he came from a trucking family etc must have had help from Daddy etc
    The crucial thing his parents gave him wasn’t good credit.
    The determining factor to his success is he was raised with faith in God. He was taught to treat people right and be a man of his word.

    The reality is Haulage is expensive and risky and the margins are awful.
    To survive requires a warriors mindset, but to scale and grow like this kid has done… the lad is an absolute savage. A true inspiration.

  16. Thank you for this video. I’ve learned a lot of management principles from it, and end up subscribing even it’s my first time to disclose your wonderful YouTube channel

  17. Alright would you be able to share, as to what kind of trucks do you prefer besides being Internationals A-26 or Cummins engine, thanks!

  18. So for the month you’re paying 4K for a unit including the driver cost? What are you paying your employee? 10/hour? Lol

  19. Bet he’s bankrupt or about to be.. When daddy stops subsidizing his losses it’s game over.. There’s no magic formula that can offset the absolute cutthroat nature of the market situation currently..

  20. This man made it and is gona help alot of people and is honest and deserved it for sure after all his hard work and dedication. Congrats bro learned a lot in this video . Thanks !

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